The Orthopaedic Surgery Physician Assistant Fellowship (OSPAF) is a joint effort of Arrowhead Regional Medical Center’s Orthopedic Care Center and Arrowhead Orthopaedics.
The OSPAF is an intensive clinical and didactic training experience with an emphasis in orthopaedic emergency and trauma. The Fellow will gain competency in evaluation and treatment of trauma patients, orthopaedic office procedures, evaluation and management of outpatient orthopaedic patients, and will assist surgeons with orthopaedic procedures. In addition to the 160 operative cases performed monthly by the Orthopaedic Care Center, we also have daily outpatient clinics that average 1,000 patient appointments per month.

The OSPAF is a full-time twelve-month training program that requires an average of 55 hours per week of operative, clinical and emergency room based work. The program offers a certificate of completion with up to fifty CME credits authorized through the American Academy of PAs (AAPA). In addition, a benefit package including a salary, health insurance, liability insurance, textbooks, meal allowance, vacation, and discounted gym membership is provided. Read more.
We offer 2 classes per year. The Fall class starts in November and the Spring class starts in May of each year. Each class is preceded with three to four weeks of supervised orientation. Applications accepted year-round and interviews conducted in January and July. Read more.
The Orthopaedic faculty consists of twenty, board certified Orthopaedic Surgeons with sub-specialties in the following areas: hand and upper extremity, pediatrics, spine, lower extremity, total joint replacement, sports medicine, orthopaedic trauma, foot and ankle. View Faculty.
Our mission is to provide postgraduate Physician Assistants the opportunity to advance their knowledge, skills, and competency beyond primary care. The OSPAF is committed to providing superior postgraduate didactic and clinical training to Physician Assistants who desire specialized careers in orthopaedic surgery. This signature program provides an intense and holistic blend of learning opportunities that ensure the success of the participants as orthopaedic surgical assistants and as providers of orthopaedic care in a clinical setting. PA Fellows are exposed to all aspects and sub-specialties within orthopaedics. Read more.

Orthopaedic Surgery P.A. Fellowship
Attn: Program Director
400 N. Pepper Ave., MOB 205, Colton, CA 92324
Tel: 909-580-3390
Fax: 909-580-6369
E-mail: TurpenH@armc.sbcounty.gov